However, we had pizza so it was all around a good time. We were given pieces of paper as we walked in with different things on them. Mine and my partner's (Hillary) was bread and butter! P.S. We eat alot of bread in sevilla with every meal without butter.
This is my friend Camille.
Anyways after pizza I went with some friends (Camille, Kristen, and Nate) to walk around the city. It was pretty and good exercise! As we were walking some girl yelled in english at Kristen and it turns out she knew her becuase Kristen lived in south korea with her as she grew up and the girl hadn't seen her since 6th grade and recognized her from different photos (I think from facebook???). It was really crazy, and defn a small world.
Also as we were going home a guy on a motercylce stopped and asked us where a certain street was, which means that we sort-of look european, but as soon as we opened our mouth our american accent showed and he knew we did not know where the street was. Its a start at least:) Hopefully, in four months we will have more of a spanish accent (defn not even close to perfect, but close;) ) and know more about the streets.
I was going to put more pictures on, but it is not just picture in your minds these great people that I took a walk around sevilla with. They are really great, aren't they?
Thanks for the update! You're in my prayers.
You're already European to me!
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